Friday, January 31, 2014


Being clothed in a garment that belongs to a person that you deeply love feels somewhat like being lovingly embraced by that person.

Subhan Allah. We are but His.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


However deep the conversatations,
However sincere the words,
No matter the truths that are worth to be known,
The time for talking
Is over.

The time has come
To listen.

Monday, January 27, 2014


"Cerita ini tidak akan berubah walaupun ia tidak diceritakan."


Thank you.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Penyakit Yang Dipilih

Memperkenalkan penyakit yang paling sukar sembuh:

Penyakit tidur sambil menganggung perasaan rindu.

Oh. Ada lagi satu sebenarnya:

Penyakit terjaga dari tidur dengan perasaan rindu (yang, if possible, bertambah exponentially ketika terlelap).

Ubat ke mana, fitness ke mana.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jaga Perilaku

Faith (or beliefs) can only be tested and proven by conduct.

Only by conduct.

Berbuat baik is one thing.
Tak berbuat jahat is another.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Kadang kadang perlu ambil masa.
Kadang kadang tak boleh buang masa.

Di mana beza, kamu tanya?

Ah. Berbicara seolah-olah kita punya kuasa.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

"Everything Will Be Fine"

When they say, "Love alone is not enough. It takes more to make a relationship work."

I shall just smile.

The list is endless if we wish to talk about what is required in making a relationship work. The chemistry, the compatibility, the tolerances.

Ah. But they are speaking of a different kind of love, are they not?


Love only for the Almighty and by His will. This way, then, Love is enough by itself. Beyond enough, this Love is all.

It is the water that nourishes the trees. It is the light of the Sun that blooms the flowers. It is the knitted clouds that cushion every fall. It is when imperfections are perfected and flaws are embraced. It is when hunger is cured by embrace and thirst is nullified by laughter. It is when "everything will be fine" holds true to the very end.

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.

Allahu 'alam.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Let's take a moment to breathe.

There is a beautifully drawn fine line between being very stable and being the complete opposite.


I move across the regions all the time, as I draw and release my breaths.

I know now, that control over the turns of events has not been in my hands, ever; and for this I am glad.


Cast your best smile, as much as you can, please. We're all in this together. :)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Buncit / Perfect

Let each man takes after his stomach.
Because a woman will only fill it with her means.



Apabila sekumpulan anak anak Melayu merayu, memohon, mencela seiringan dengan slogan 'boikot produk Yahudi' menggunakan medium yang juga produk dari bani Israel.

Apabila suka berpegangan tangan dan melawan segala batas tetapi bersungguh sungguh katanya tak akan berkahwin kerana tak bersedia. Sedangkan sudah dikira wajib!

Apabila masa siang dan malam, dari Subuh hingga jam sepuluh,  dihabiskan untuk bekerja; untuk bayar itu, bayar ini, rumah itu, kereta ini, tetapi isi Hati tak terbeli...

*teguk kopi*

Apabila seorang coffee lover memilih 'fresh ground coffee', dan selepas seminggu, tak terkawal rindunya terhadap kopi segera.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sepuluh - Tiga

Ada satu pengajaran yang nampaknya masih belum difahamkan ertinya. Terbitnya dari dalam fikiran; jatuh terus ke pinggir bibir dalam kata kata.

Sayang seribu kali sayang.
Rindu seribu kali rindu.

Nampaknya seperti perjalanan ini tak akan berhenti untuk menunggu. Menunggu bersedia sepenuhnya, kononnya. Peredarannya sama laju dengan fikiran yang disuarakan.

Sayang seribu kali sayang.
Rindu seribu kali rindu.

Sedangkan penantian mampu ditunggu, tibanya ia menantilah kamu.

P/s: Selamat hari lahir. :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Let Me In

"Bring me a lily
And one loaf of bread
Take me home, now."

Do not leave your questions unasked
Yet all the while
Post not those questions unprepared
For truthful answers are the only answers
Yet all the while
Hurtful answers are the truth

"Maybe we could
Try to better this this time."

I shall ask you, then,
With my hand on my chest
Whether you believe
Yet all the while
That only so much love can equate so much pain

"So let me in."

Put me not on a pedestal
Where no one can reach
Only high enough
That I may climb down
To greet you
And that you may come up
To meet me

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Drying Rain

You see, when days like this one come along,
there is not much you can do to unfeel those
emotions and unthink those thoughts.

Have you ever gone through such a day?

Of course you have.

On days like this, the Earth feels drier after the rain.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Time Signature: 3/4 (Diiringi Tepuk)

Ma-lam malam-ku-ba-gai
Ma-lam seribu-bin-tang
Yang-ter-bentang di-ang-ka-sa
Bi-la kau di-si-ni

'Tuk sekadar me-ne-ma-ni
'Tuk melinta-si-wa-wangi
Yang slalu tersa-ji-di
Sua-tu sisi-ha-ti