Friday, February 21, 2014

Only God Knows Why He Made Us Like This

It is in our (sad but true) nature that we are never satisfied with our present circumstance and condition.

Example 1: Size
A: "Besar sangat lah rumah ni, penat gila nak kemas".
B: "Kalau rumah kita besar sikit, boleh lah jemput ramai orang masa kenduri nanti".

Example 2: Amount
A: "Gaji 10 ribu, tapi hati tak tenang". *sigh*
B: "Shit. Claim tak masuk. Makan maggi".

Example 3: Weather
A: "Urgh it's too hot here. I can't imagine how you can stand it day and night. I hate the sweating".
B: "Why is it always raining? Macam mana nak jog? Macam mana nak kurus..." (okay " nak kurus" dah masuk topic lain.)

Example 4: Work
A: "Takda manual ke? Takkan nak belasah je?"
B: "You expect me to read this?"

Jadi, Iylia Elena and whoever reading, let us take a step back and fully observe the circumstance and condition that we are in at the moment. Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.

Kalau nak diikutkan rasa kurang, sampai mati pun akan rasa kurang. Letaklah kekurangan itu untuk perkara yang betul, dan penuhkanlah bekas itu dengan ikhlas dan bersungguh-sungguh. Sampai mati pun akan rasa kurang (i.e. "Ish taknak mati kat hospital, nak mati kat rumah."). Kejar dan kumpul untuk yang boleh tahan sampai lepas mati dan hidup balik.

We were born as human beings. Jangan ingat kucing dan arnab hidup senang. Selalu minta yang "bukan" dan yang bukan-bukan.


I have a shirt that says, "I wish I was a frog".

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