Friday, August 15, 2014

The Curious Incident Of The Hunt For Bread (In The Nightime)

There are things that you get to prepare yourself for;
practicing some new skills,
perfecting a move,
memorizing lines,
broadening knowledge on a particular interest.

Speaking of particular interests;
there are some things, on the other hand,
that simply do not wait for you to prepare.

These things, they come like a sudden gush of wind,
like a distant flash of lightning,
like a silent drop of rain.

I happened to be not only unprepared,
but unaware when it happened.
Looking back, it might have even been a state of denial.
But it happened nonetheless.

Alas, Love of great height and terrible distance does not bode well
with being denied for too long.
Any willful attempt of taking over the Heart ends up being a measly one.

And so there and here,
then and now I've been,
having fallen
into you.

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